In catch 22 Joseph Heller excludes people's points of view for one chapter then explains them in the next. so no one's view is really excluded. I think Heller chose to do this because he wants to show how everyone thinks, and how different people are affected catastrophes, such as war.
For instance he shows how the main character, Yossarian thinks. he shows how he wants to run from the war, and hates it and doesn't believe it should continue, and why can't someone else who wants to fight fight instead of me. but he can't leave.
then Heller shows us a very patriotic character who believes in fate and how its our duty to fight and that we will die when we die, and you can't change that. he gives a background for this man to try and show how this man's views came about.
Heller is trying to show to us the way a very drastic thing happening like war affects people, and how things cause conflicts and open up differences in society and people.