In the book I'm reading, Inda, one of the main characters friends, called Sponge, is the sun of a king. But he hides this fact for as long as he can so as not to alienate himself from his friends. then later we find out he's gay, which he hides too, also to avoid alienating himself.
I don't think this is a very good thing to do. I don't believe that this is the way you should pick friends. If you don't think you can tell your friends that, why are they your friends? And it's kind of disrespectful to your friends, thinking they won't be able to deal with whatever it is.
On the other hand, some things are your own personal business. In the book Sponge doesn't want to give up the "easy friendship". Some things aren't really worth it to alienate others. I don't tell everything I do to anyone. But, if it gets to the point when you don't tell your friends anything, then you need to rethink the way you do things.
you spelled son wrong