Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hate and Love in Everwild

     In the book I'm reading, Everwild, one of the main characters, Nick, is in love with the main antagonist, Mary Hightower. They are arch rivals, and are actively trying to destroy the other. the theme of people falling in love with people they shouldn't, or hating the people they are in love with, comes up a lot in books. Another example of this would be Romeo and Juliet.
     Now, I'm only a middle schooler, and I don't know that much about love. But the various stories I've heard about how people got married, or how we met, stories, have never started with "well, we were arch enemies and he wanted me dead" or "He was a oil baron and I was an environmental activist". As far as I can tell love really doesn't work that way, or at least is not very common.
      So I wonder why the whole doomed romance thing is so common in media. It seems humans in general like the underdogs, the people who it will never work out for. But why? Is it that we feel better that our lives aren't that messed up, that our love is easier to find? Or maybe we LIKE the feeling of fighting  against all odds. But if that's true, why? what in the evolutionary history of humans would make that an advantage?

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